The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol, company name, high sales price, and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2. 函数以XHTML格式返回关于从DB2返回的信用违约掉期中引用的所有公司的股票代号、公司名称、最高售价和币种的信息。
The traditional format for debugging information is called STAB ( symbol table). 调试信息的传统格式被称为STAB(符号表)。
Using ns or set no_symbol, we can change the above format 使用ns或设置nosymbol,我们可以修改以上的格式
Currency format is usually composed of a locale, currency name, currency subunits, currency symbol, positive format, negative format, currency codes, and currency separators. 货币格式通常由地区、货币名称、货币子单位、货币标记、正数格式、负数格式、货币代码和货币分隔符构成。
Note that due to a peculiarity of the way BSD a.out format handles this relocation type, there must be at least one non-local symbol in the same section as the address you're trying to access. 注意,因为BSD的a.out格式处理这种重定位类型的特殊方式,在你要访问的地址处的同一个段内必须至少有一个非局部的标志符。
To use a custom mark instead of a traditional number format, click symbol next to custom mark, and then choose a mark from the available symbols. 要使用自定义标记替代传统的编号格式,请单击“自定义标记”旁边的“符号”,然后从可用的符号中选择标记。
These key problems are the choice of module format, the organization way of module, module communication mechanism, stack space management, namespace management and symbol resolve and indirection. 这些关键问题有模块格式的选择、模块的组织方式、模块间通信机制、栈空间管理、名字空间管理以及符号解析和重定位。
This paper also introduces the design of file format and management software for dot-form symbol library. 论文接着介绍了点状符号库文件格式和符号库管理软件的设计。
3D Symbol is the product of computer simulation technology, which accords with the format transfer theory of map and the rule of designing map symbol. 三维符号是计算机仿真技术的产物,它符合地图的传输论,地图符号的构图规律。
Secondly, the key technology of preprocessor on basis of Java Compiler Tree API is discussed, which includes the design of file format for preprocessing results and the exportation of information of symbol table and abstract syntax tree. 其次讨论了基于JavaCompilerTreeAPI的预处理的关键技术,包括预处理结果文件的格式设计和依据该格式进行的符号表和抽象语法树的信息的导出。
Demonstrated the rationality and necessity of using semiotics principles to guide city sculpture designing. Went deep to investigate the format and composition characteristics of city sculpture, put forward the principles of establishing city sculpture symbol, it includes the following: 1. 主要论证了利用符号学原理指导城市雕塑艺术创作的合理性和必要性,对城市雕塑艺术符号形式特点和构成特点进行了深入的研究。